Gada Special Economic Zone(GSEZ) is a new phenomenon in the industrial, trade, investment and urban development strategies in Oromia NRS and Ethiopia at large. Almost 3/4 of Ethiopian industrial area is located in Addis Ababa and the surrounding Oromia Special Zone. With the drive to create an industrial economic hub in Africa, therefore, GSEZ will play a strategic central role in industrialization and urbanization development of our nation. As the national and regional prior economic plan to powered the socio-economic prosperity, Gada special economic zone intends to be a pioneer of free trade, export processing, recreational and smart industrial city by 2063.
As a regional development initiative to create jobs, industrial, trade and urban foundations, 24,000 hectars (240km2) of land has geographically assigned to be delimited by 226/2012 proclamation to established the GSEZ Authority (GSEZA). Our Economic Zone is working on land accusations and basic infrastructures development. And the operational management of Special Economic Zone has commenced and GSEZ have been designated by Ethiopian Investment Board for the startup phase of the project which covers 3150 hectares of land. will be commenced through one stop services (OSS) soon after designation of EIC authority. This is part of our mission to ensure Oromia develop multi-purpose economic Zone,
GSEZ in Oromia is inalienable to incorporate our farmers in the genuine equitable development strategy and improves the quality of life of our people. The special zone have 13 Industrial Zones, including a Smart City, work on rules and laws which are different from the rest of the region and country, with special authorities, incentives, rules and regulations to boost the national economy through FDI and domestic potentials. Hence, wishing to see successful Economic Zone in our region, my government has a special attentions to make the plan in to reality. This will be possible in a very proactive and responsive commitment to see a national pioneering economic zone through working to address every challenges and gaining empirical experience.