+251 22 21 21 121, +251 22 21 22 692 Adama City, Melka Adama Sub-City, Abba Gada Oromia, Ethiopia
The First
Economic Zone in Ethiopia


Zooniin Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa biqiltoota gosa adda addaa kan kunuunsa naannoo fi miidhagina karaa asfaaltii magaalaaf oolan hooggantoota, hojjettota zoonichaa fi keessummota Godina Shawwaa Bahaa fi Aanaa Lumeerraa dhufan waliin ta’uun biqiltuu gaafa guyyaa 07/12/2016 dhaabeera. Dabalataanis zoonich hawaasa naannoo Ganda Xaddee Dildimaaf mana barumsaa bu’ura booruu ijaarsisee ture dawwateera; daawwanna kana irrattis Daarikteerri ol’aanaa...
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Gada Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) took part in the 5th Annual “Job Fair Expo 2024” at Adama Science and Technology University held on July 5th July, 2024. During the event, GSEZ highlighted its purpose and the significant economic benefits it offers to both the region and the country.
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May 10-2024- Gada Special Economic Zone has officially launched Lume Free Trade Zone. Gada Special Economic Zone has officially launched Lume Free Trade Zone in the presence of H.E. Dr. Abiy Ahmed, H.E Mr. Shimelis Abdisa, President of the Oromia National Regional State and ministers, cabinet of the Oromia Regional State, Oromo Elders and Hadha...
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Gada Special Economic Zone Authority held a consultative meeting with regional and East Showa Zone justice sectors in the presence of Oromia Supreme Court H.E. President Gazali Abasimal, Mr. Motuma Temesgen made a welcoming speech on the occasion and stated, “The secret of the developed countries is the presence of their strong system of laws and...
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Gada Special Economic Zone has signed an MoU with Siinqee Bank, Marking a strategic partnership aimed at boosting economic development. The collaboration aims to attract investment, create jobs and foster prosperity in the region. this partnership highlights the power of cooperation for sustainable growth. Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa fi Baankii siinqee waliin hojjachuuf waliigaltee wal-hubannoo(MoU)...
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The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the development of Gada Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) has been signed by esteemed officials from both Ethiopian and Chinese Governments. This achievement marks a significant milestone in the realization of Africa’s largest SEZ, spanning over 24,000 hectares in the prime foreign trade route of Ethiopia. Signing ceremony at Belt...
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2023年8月15日,驻埃塞俄比亚大使赵志远出席埃塞经济特区投资开发谅解备忘录签约仪式并讲话。埃塞总理顾问戈玛、奥罗米亚州长施梅雷斯共同见签,驻埃塞使馆首席馆员申钦民公参陪同出席。 赵大使表示,在奥罗米亚州启动经济特区建设正逢其时,这将是埃塞俄比亚工业化和现代化进程中非常重要的一步,是中埃合作的又一重大成果。使馆愿与埃方携手,弘扬中非友好合作精神,共同促进经济特区建设与发展,推动中埃友好再上新水平。 戈玛和施梅雷斯高度赞赏中国特区建设,愿与中方加强合作交流,借鉴中方发展理念和经验,积极参与“一带一路”建设,进一步深化两国友好关系,不断开创中埃合作新局面。 该经济特区由埃塞中土公司和奥罗米亚州政府合作开发建设。
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In a momentous stride towards enhanced bilateral cooperation and economic progress, the Gada Special Economic Zone in Ethiopia and the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) have formally entered into a Memorandum of Understanding. This landmark agreement paves the way for the expansive development of a 1000-hectare area, encompassing pivotal elements such as a logistics...
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Gada Special Economic Zone conducted an evaluation of its performance for the 2015 E.C. budget year and held discussions on the annual plan for the 2016 budget year.
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Gada Special Economic Zone and ECO staff collaborated in the Green Legacy initiative, planting trees at Malmalee site of the Zone, showcasing environmental commitment and teamwork.
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