+251 22 21 21 121, +251 22 21 22 692 Adama City, Melka Adama Sub-City, Abba Gada Oromia, Ethiopia
The First
Economic Zone in Ethiopia


A discussion was held with stakeholders from Lume woreda and Adama woreda. additionally a handover of 112 hectares of land occurred between Gada Special Economic Zone and Adama woreda.
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Gada Special Economic Zone and Oromia Mineral Authority held a fruitful discussion on partnership on mineral issues.
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A consultative meeting conducted between Gada Special Economic Zone and China’s investors (Huajian group) held at GSEZ, Adama. During this consultative meeting, policy issues, directives, GSEZ’s priority sectors were briefed by the GSEZ side and endeavors to be vested by the China’s investor side were by far raised and discussed. Finally, a letter of invitation...
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Gada Special Economic zone (GadaSEZ) signs agreements with Adama Science & Technology University Gada Special Economic zone signs MOA agreement with Adama Science & Technology University to facilitate Gada special Economic Zone Authority website hosting and server use (www.gadasez.gov.et) and MOU to work together.The president of the university Dr. Lami Guta welcomed GSEZ and expressed...
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Gada special economic zone website (GSEZWEB) GSEZWEB conducted the final discussion and official handover program on Commercial website design and Database development with Adama Science and Technology University on GSEZ 02/02/2022
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New Investment Opportunity (gadasez) For develop of an international logistic hub for east Africa countries in Ethiopia Gada special economic zone (gadasez)
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A Comprehensive Gada Special economic zone (gadasez) The National Regional State Government of Oromia has established Gada Special Economic Zone by Proclamation No. 226/2012 over 23,656 Ha of land, situated in between Adama and Modjo towns. GadaSEZ is comprehensive and contains within itself multiple functions of all sectors and works and includes: Free Trade Zone,...
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Oromia national state president and ambassador of chinese to Ethiopia visits GadaSEZ Ambassador of China to Ethiopia Zhao Zhiyuan along with President of the Oromia National State, Shimelis Abdisa and other high officials visited Gada special economic zone (GadaSEZ) in Oromia Regional State on November 05, 2021. On the occasion, the inauguration of the newly...
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