+251 22 21 21 121, +251 22 21 22 692 Adama City, Melka Adama Sub-City, Abba Gada Oromia, Ethiopia
The First
Economic Zone in Ethiopia


In a significant move toward enhancing the digital landscape of the Gada Special Economic Zone, key stakeholders from Adama City Administration, Harambe University, and ZTE convened in a collaborative meeting. The primary objective of this gathering was to lay the groundwork for a comprehensive digital strategy that will revolutionize the economic zone’s operations and growth.The...
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Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 17, 2023. Abiy Ahmed is in Beijing to attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and pay an official visit to the country. (Xinhua/Ding Lin) BEIJING, Oct. 17...
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Gada Special Economic Zone and World Bank Group held a fruitful one-day national consultative meeting with logistics handlers and stakeholders from national and regional levels. Workshop biyyaaleessa dhimma logistic irratti hubbannoo uumuuf qindeessummaa Abbaa Taayitaa Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa fi World Bank qooda fudhattoota sadarkaa Addunyaa hanga naannootti jiran waliin guyyaa tokkoof mariin gaggeeffame.
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Waltaajjii hubannoo uumuu qooda fudhattoota Zoonii Dinagdee Addaa Gadaa qindeessummaa Abbaa Taayitaa Zoonii Dinagdee Addaa Gadaa fi Waajjira pirezidaantii Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa waliin gaggeeffame. Maricha irratti hubannaa dhimma misooma Zoonii Dinagdee irratti kennamee jira. Rakkooleen haga ammaatti quunnamaa jiran qooda fudhattootaan adda baafamuun rakkoolee haga ammaatti jiran furuuf koreewwan qooda fudhattota irraa walitti ijaaraman sadii...
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On August 15, 2023, Zhao Zhiyuan, Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia, attended and delivered a speech at the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on Investment and Development of the Ethiopian Special Economic Zone. Ambassador Girma, advisor to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, and Shimelis, President of Oromia National Regional State, jointly witnessed the signing,...
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በገዳ ልዩ የኢኮኖሚ ዞን ባለስልጣን እና የቻይና መንግስት ድርጅት በሆነው ሲሲኢሲሲ መካከል የገዳ ልዩ ኢኮኖሚ ዞን የጋራ ልማት የመግባቢያ ስምምነት ተፈርሟል፡፡ የኦሮሚያ ክልል ርእሰ መስተዳድር ሽመልስ አብዲሳ በማህበራዊ ትስስር ገፃቸው፥ የጋራ ስምምነቱ በሚቀጥሉት አምስት ዓመታት ውስጥ የገዳ ልዩ ኢኮኖሚ ዞን ባለስልጣን በሚያዘጋጀው 1 ሺህ ሄክታር መሬት ላይ የሎጂስቲክስ ማዕከል፣ የኤክስፖርት ማቀነባበሪያ ማዕከል፣ የኢንዱስትሪ ፓርክ ለአካባቢያዊ...
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Pirezidaantiin Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa, Obbo Shimallis Abdiisaa, Invastaroonni biyya keessaa fi alaa Zoonii dinagdee Addaa Gadaa akka misoomsaniif waamicha dhiyeessan. Abbaan Taayitaa Zoonii dinagdee Addaa Gadaa fi dhaabbanni ‘China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation’ jedhamu zoonii dinagdee addaa Gadaa waliin misoomsuuf waliigaltee mallatteessan
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Ethiopia Transport Minister in Somaliland to look at more Port options for Ethiopia An Ethiopian delegation led by the transport and logistics minister Alemu Sime has arrived in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, to look at more port options for Ethiopia. The delegation has discussed with the Somaliland government officials about making Berbera Port an...
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The staff and management of the Gada Special Economic Zone, driven by their commitment to environmental sustainability, actively engaged in the Green Legacy initiative. Joining forces with the dedicated staff of Lume Woreda, they united in a shared mission to make a positive impact on the environment. By participating in tree planting and conservation activities,...
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A comprehensive discussion was organized to delve into the realms of innovation and the digital economy. The primary objective was to explore collaborative avenues between two esteemed institutions, namely the Gada Special Economic Zone and Harambe University. Participants engaged in thought-provoking dialogues to identify synergies and establish a framework for working together. The aim was...
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