A high level meeting between Oromia National Regional State and CCECC, led by ONRS H.E Mr. Shimelis Abdisa and CCECC Head Office Vice President Mr. Zhu Xiaogang on the development of Gada Special Economic Zone on march of 2023.Continue Reading
5.14 km Asphalt at GSEZ Gada Special Economic Zone 5.14km Integrated Asphalt Project Asphalt paving works going underway. This will make the land a service land for Free Trade Zone developmentContinue Reading
The Ethiopian government is taking strides to acknowledge and regulate the longstanding informal cross-border trade occurring along the Djibouti border. The Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration is currently introducing a law with the goal of formalizing the informal trade activities that have been existing along the border between these countries. Kasahun Gofe, state minister...Continue Reading
Stakeholders from Oromia National Regional State Government visited Gada Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) development efforts on 01 June 2023. GSEZ is building a Smart City along a strategically promising international trade route between Adama city and Modjo town. The stakeholders also held a debriefing session on the way forward in Modjo town.Continue Reading
Gada Special Economic Zone conducted stake holders meeting on 2015 EFY plan in collaboration with oromia central delivery unit-BIG WIN. On the Occasion H.E Obbo Moges Eda’e , Office of the President Bureau Head, presented an opening statement about the government commitment to realization of Gada special Economic Zone development program. With the emphasis on...Continue Reading