+251 2212-49-61, +251 22212-59-49 Adama City, Melka Adama Sub-City, Abba Gada Oromia, Ethiopia
The First
Economic Zone in Ethiopia

Ethiopian Green Legacy Initiative and Gada Special Economic Zone Participation.

On Aug 23 2024 Ethiopia set to achieve a significant milestone of planting 600 million trees in a single day as part of the Ethiopian Green Legacy Initiative, a national effort aimed at combating climate change and restoring degraded landscapes. This monumental event underscores Ethiopia’s commitment to environmental sustainability and positions the country as a leader in Africa’s ecological restoration efforts.

The Gada Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) played an active role in this initiative. Led by Director General Mr. Motuma Temesgen, the staff of GSEZ participated in the tree-planting activities, demonstrating the integration of environmental responsibility within industrial and commercial development.

Dr. Fitsum Assefa, Ethiopia’s Minister of Planning and Development, also participated in the event by planting trees at GSEZ and touring the site. Her visit highlighted the government’s support for sustainable economic growth and the importance of aligning industrial development with environmental goals.

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2 Responses
    1. admin

      Thank you so much! Let your country’s investor come to the zone and invest. We do have an attractive incentive package and location advantage with ample younger work forces. Regards

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