+251 2212-49-61, +251 22212-59-49 Adama City, Melka Adama Sub-City, Abba Gada Oromia, Ethiopia
The First
Economic Zone in Ethiopia

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Leenjii Kaafamtoota Misoomaa

Leenjii kaafamtoota misoomaaf qophaa’e irratti waliinta’insa Ejensii Kaafamtoota Misoomaa Damee Adaamaa, Baankii Siinqee fi Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa(GSEZ) guyyoota sadiif matadureewwan Qorqalbii bizinasii fi ogummaa mala jireenyaa, Entrepreneurship fi Qusannoo, akkasumaas gurmaa’insa irratti Magaalaa Mojoo Galma Hoteela Hundaa’olitti kennamaa jirajiraachuu isaa Hoji-gaggeessaan Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa obbo Mootummaa Tamasgeen ibsaniiru. Dablataanis, kaafamtoonni misoomaa  gara fuula […]

Sirni Baallii Walharkaa Fuudhuu Abbaa Gadaa Gujii Raawwatame

Sirni Gadaa sirna madda dimokiraasii Uummanni Oromoo akka waliigalaatti addunyaa kanaaf, bifa addaatiin immoo Itiyoophiyaadhaaf gumaachedha.  Abbootiin Gadaa Gujii Sirna Walharkaa fuudhinsa Baallii 75ffaa Abbaa Gadaa Harmuffaa Jiloo Mandhoo irraa gara Abbaa Gadaa Roobalee Jarsoo Dhugootti Gurraandhala 13, bara 2016 bakka pirezidaantiin Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa kabajamoo obbo Shimallis Abdiisaa fi jilli isaaniin dursamu argamanitti karaa […]

Zooniin Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa(GSEZ) hojii ji’a jahaa qorate.

Zooniin Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa gamaaggama hojii ji’a jahaa qoratee jira. Daareektera ol’aanaa Zoonichaa obbo Mootummaa Tamasgeen kallattii eega kaahanii booda, gabaasni ji’oota jahan darbanii dhiyaachuun mariin irratti gaggeeffamee jira. Marii kana irratti hojjettoonni zoonichaa hirmaannaa cimaa kan taasisan yoo ta’u, ciminnii fi hanqinni sirriitti adda bahee irratti walii galuun yeroo hafe kurmaana 3ffaa fi 4ffaa […]

Investors From England Visited GSEZ

Investors from England led by Mr Roba Megersa Deputy Bureau head of Oromia Development Organizations visited Gada Special Economic Zone HQ here in Adama and discussed with the Zones higher officials Mr Motuma Temesgen and Eng. Demelash Mulu on how to plant Solar Panel Manufacturing Industry And Lithium ion Batteries Manufacturing for Electric Vehicles. Investors […]

Seoul National University Delegation

Mr. Motuma Temesgen of Gada Special Economic Zone welcomed Professor Hwang Jun Seok delegates of Seoul National University and held a productive discussion on bilateral partnership in the area of Digital Strategy and Innovation.

Gada Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) and Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise (OFWE)

Gada Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) and Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise (OFWE) held a fruitful discussion with Guangxi Forest Academy and Shandong Timber and Wood Products Association on Investment and joint development coordinated by the President Office of the National Regional State. Heads of regional bureaus of Oromia Environmental Protection Authority and Oromia Land Bureau […]

GSEZ Invitation for Expression of Interest(EOI).

Terms and Conditions are as follows. 1. The interested national/international consulting firm should have cutting- edge knowledge and understanding of special economic zones (SEZ’S) planning, design, development, operation; overall management and legal context under which SEZs operate. 2. The interested national/international consulting firm should have a minimum experience of Ten (10) years of SEZ development […]