+251 22 21 21 121, +251 22 21 22 692 Adama City, Melka Adama Sub-City, Abba Gada Oromia, Ethiopia
The First
Economic Zone in Ethiopia

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Gada Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) Conducted Stakeholders Meeting in Collaboration With Oromia Central Delivery Unit (OCDU-BIG WIN)

Gada Special Economic Zone conducted stake holders meeting on 2015 EFY plan in collaboration with oromia central delivery unit-BIG WIN. On the Occasion H.E Obbo Moges Eda’e , Office of the President Bureau Head, presented an opening statement about the government commitment to realization of Gada special Economic Zone development program. With the emphasis on […]

Gada Special Economic Zone(GSEZA) was Designated by EIB.

Gada Special Economic Zone Development Corporation (GSEZDC) was designated to develop 3150Ha of the start-up phase. Investors are welcome and enjoy the benefits of EIC investment packages. We will build the future! Zooniin Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa (GSEZ) qaama dhimmi ilaalu irraa Beekkamtii(Designation) argatee jira. Invastaroonni, misoomsitootni, fi interpraayizonni Zoonii keenya dhuftan faayidaawwaniif onnachiiftuwwan seerota Komishinii […]

GSEZ Management visits Dire Dawa Industry Park

GSEZ management visit to Dire Dawa Industry Park (DDIP), ESLSE at Dire Dawa dry Port. The team has drawn a lesson from Industry park development strategy, Infrastructure development, interlinkage of Custom, dry Port, and Ethio-Djibouti railway at Dire Dawa station. The role of logistics is high in promoting export, investment, industrialization, and economic development in […]