The Gada Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) officially received its Digital Strategy in a formal handover ceremony, jointly organized with the Oromia Science and Technology Authority (OSTA). The event witnessed the presence of prominent figures, including Mr. Motuma Temesgen, Director General of GSEZ, and Engineer Jima Tulu, Deputy General Manager of OSTA.

During the occasion, Engineer Jima Tulu underscored the growing opportunities for collaboration between the two institutions, emphasizing the urgency and significance of working together to drive the digitalization of GSEZ. He outlined potential areas of cooperation, reinforcing the strategic importance of this partnership.
Using this opportunity, Mr. Motuma Temesgen highlighted GSEZ’s vision to transform into a Smart and Digitally Integrated Economic Zone. He remarked that the launch of the Digital Strategy represents a critical milestone, symbolizing a beacon of hope for GSEZ’s digital transformation journey.
The ceremony also featured acknowledgments for the dedicated professionals from both authorities who contributed to the preparation of this strategic document, marking it as a collaborative achievement poised to guide the zone’s digital evolution.

Furthermore, the event served as an opportunity to recognize the remarkable achievements of GSEZ’s workforce, particularly those who successfully completed the Ethiocoders software training in key areas such as Data Analysis Fundamentals, Programming Fundamentals, and Android Development Fundamentals. This acknowledgment underscored the organization’s commitment to cultivating a digitally skilled workforce, aligning with the broader vision of creating a smart and innovative economic zone. The honorees were commended for their dedication and efforts, reflecting GSEZ’s investment in human capital development as a cornerstone for its digital transformation and technological advancement.
Zooniin Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa tarsiimoo Digitaalaa walta’insa Abbaa Taayitaa Saayinsii fi Teeknoolojii waliin ta’uun hajjatame sagantaa wal-harkaa fuudhinsa gaggeessee jira.
Zooniin Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa tarsiimoo Digitaalaa walta’insa Abbaa Taayitaa Saayinsii fi Teeknoolojii oromiyaa waliin ta’uun hojjatame sagantaa wal-harkaa fuudhinsa gaggeessee jira. Sagnticha irratti bu’uuraalee misoomaa zoonichi ijaarsisaa jiru kan daawwatame yoo ta’u sanada qophaa’es I/Aaanaa ATSTO kan ta’an Inj. Jimaa Tulluu hoji gaggeessaa zoonichaa Obbo Mootummaa Tamsgeniif kennanii jiru.

Tarsiimoo dijitaalaa zoonichaa qophaa’e ogeessota olaanoo ATSTOtiin hojjattoota ZDAG tiif kan dhihaate yoo ta’u marii bal’aanis irratti taasifamuun gara fuulduraatti hojiin ballinaan waliin akka hojjatamu irratti waliif galameera.
Dhuma irrattis ogeessoota qophii tarsiimichaa irratti hirmaatanii fi akkasumas leenjii “Ethio Coders” fudhatani kanneen xumuraniif Inj. Jimaa Tulluu fi Obbo Mootumaa Tamasgeeniin waraqaan beekamtii kennamuun xumurameera.