Gada Special Economic Zone Authority held a consultative meeting with regional and East Showa Zone justice sectors in the presence of Oromia Supreme Court H.E. President Gazali Abasimal, Mr. Motuma Temesgen made a welcoming speech on the occasion and stated, “The secret of the developed countries is the presence of their strong system of laws and people’s firm adherence to laws,”.
His Excellence, Mr. Gazali Abasimal, President of the Oromia Supreme Court, also expressed, “All stakeholders must feel the challenges GSEZ is currently facing and citizens must abide by the laws and give great emphasis to the development deliberations of the Gada Special Economic Zone, which in turn plays a great role in the development initiatives of the Oromia National Regional State,”
Basic infrastructures that have been constructed were also visited.
Abbaan Taayitaa Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa Qaamolee Haqaa waliin marii gaggeesse.
Abbaan Taayitaa Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa guyyaa 18/07/2016 Magaalaa Adaamaatti qaamolee haqaa waliin bakka Pirezidaantiin Mana Murtii Waliigala Oromiyaa Kabajamoo Obbo Gaazaalii Abbaasimal argamanitti gaggeessameera. Marii kana irratti Daareekterri ol’aanaan Abbaa Taayitaa Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa obbo Mootummaa Tamasgeen haasawa anaa dhufuu kan taasisan yoo ta’u, “iccitiin biyyoota misoomani, sirna seeraa cimaa qabaachuu isaaniiti” jedhaniiru.
Akkasumas, Pirezidaantiin Mana Murtii Waliigala Oromiyaa Kabajamoo obbo Gaazaalii Abbaasimal gama isaaniitiin akka jedhanitti, “rakkoon zoonicha mudataa jiru akka rakkoo hunda keenya mudatetti fudhachuun lammiin kamiyyuu seera kabajee kabachiisuu akka qabu ibsanii, dhimma misoomuu naannoo keenyaa irratti qaama seeraas ta’ee kan biroo walhubatee kan dursi kennamuufii qabus dursa kennaa hojjechuu akka qaban cimsanii dubbataniiru”
Bu’uuraalee misoomaa zoonicha keessatti ijaaramaa jiranis daawwatamaniiru.
ገዳ ልዩ የኢኮኖሚ ዞን ባለ ሥለጣን ከፍትህ አካላት ጋር የምክክር ስብሰባ አካህዷል፡፡
ገዳ ልዩ የኢኮኖሚ ዞን ባለሥለጣን የኦሮሚያ ጠቅላይ ፍርድቤት ፕሬዚዳንት ክቡር አቶ ጋዛሊ አባስመል በተገኙበት ከክልል እና ከምስራቅ ሸዋ ዞን ፍትህ አካላት ጋር የምክክር ስብሰባ አካህዷል፡፡ የእንኳን ደህናመጣቸሁ ንግግር ያደረጉት የገዳ ልዩ የኢኮኖሚ ዞን ባለሥለጣን ዋና ዳይሬክተር አቶ ሞቱማ ተመስገን፣ ” ያደጉ ሃገሮች የዕድገታቸው ሚስጢር ጠንካራ የፍትህ ሥርዓት ስላላቸው ነው ” ብሏል፡፡