+251 22 21 21 121, +251 22 21 22 692 Adama City, Melka Adama Sub-City, Abba Gada Oromia, Ethiopia
The First
Economic Zone in Ethiopia

Gada SEZ planted coffee seedlings within its compound.

Senior officials and employees of the zone took part in this planting effort, aiming to create a lasting reference point. This initiative not only contributes to establishing the zone’s legacy but also functions as a long-term income-generating strategy. The Special Forces living around the zone also participated in planting the seedlings.

Zooniin Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa, Mooraa isaa keessaa biqiltuu bunaa dhaabe.

Zooniin Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa har’a guyaa Hagayya 27/20216 mooraa isaa keessaa biqiltuu bunaa dhaabe.Zoonichi hoggantoota fi hojjetaa isaa qabatee ganama sa’aa tokko irraa eegaluun kan biqiltuu dhaabaa ture yoo ta’u, biqiltuu dhaabatan kunis ashaa magariisummaa kaahuu keessatti qooda qabatanis gama birootiif immoo tajaajila galii argamsiisuutiifis kan oolan dha. Humni Addaa Poolisii Oromia olla zoonichaa jiranis biqiltuu dhaabuu irratti hirmaataniiru.

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