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Sirni Baallii Walharkaa Fuudhuu Abbaa Gadaa Gujii Raawwatame

Sirni Gadaa sirna madda dimokiraasii Uummanni Oromoo akka waliigalaatti addunyaa kanaaf, bifa addaatiin immoo Itiyoophiyaadhaaf gumaachedha.  Abbootiin Gadaa Gujii Sirna Walharkaa fuudhinsa Baallii 75ffaa Abbaa Gadaa Harmuffaa Jiloo Mandhoo irraa gara Abbaa Gadaa Roobalee Jarsoo Dhugootti Gurraandhala 13, bara 2016 bakka pirezidaantiin Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa kabajamoo obbo Shimallis Abdiisaa fi jilli isaaniin dursamu argamanitti karaa nagaa fi sirna hoo’aadhaan gaggeessamee jira.

Gada System is the indigenous democratic System and Philosophy Oromo Society had contributed to the world in general and to Ethiopia in particular. On the 21st of February, 2024, the Guji Oromo, Abba Gada Jilo Mandho transferred his power vested to him by the Harmuffa Gada to the next Abba Gada Robale of Jarso Dhugo peacefully and warmly in the presence of H.E. Mr. Shimelis Abdissa, the president of Oromia National Regional State and his delegates.

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